100X Equine Review

100X Equine Review

This continues to be the second highest scoring brand on the market. Read more to learn why!

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A Brand of Promise, Yet Costly for Many Horse Owners

In the vast landscape of equine supplement brands, 100X Equine stands out as a promising contender, celebrated for its commitment to quality and effectiveness. Equestrians seeking optimal results have flocked to their products with high expectations. However, while the brand offers undeniable benefits, certain drawbacks have come to light.

One such concern is their aggressive presence on social media platforms, inundating feeds with relentless promotions. This marketing strategy not only creates a sense of over-saturation but also raises questions about the substantial profit margins the company likely enjoys.

Moreover, it's hard to ignore that the extensive range of specialized products offered by 100X Equine can quickly become financially burdensome for the average horse owner. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the exceptional qualities of 100X Equine while examining the impact of their expansive product line, social media promotions, and pricing structure on affordability, shedding light on both the brand's strengths and areas for improvement.

Lastly, it is important to point out that when we received the products we purchased for our testing, all 4 had a strong chemical smell that was somewhat unexpected and strange. Very much like the smell of peroxide die activator or some other hair chemical, this smell was somewhat concerning.


100X Equine presents a diverse selection of equine supplements, each carefully formulated to target specific needs and promote optimal horse health. However, the pricing structure associated with these products poses a significant challenge for most horse owners.

While the brand offers an extensive range of options, it becomes apparent that there is considerable overlap in the benefits provided by each product. This redundancy raises concerns, particularly when considering the wide price range, ranging from $113.50 (after applying potentially questionable discounts) to approximately $195. Such disparity in pricing creates obstacles for average horse owners, as accessing the full spectrum of benefits offered by the brand can translate into an expenditure exceeding $400 per horse. Consequently, the necessity to procure multiple specialized products to address various performance aspects becomes financially burdensome.

While 100X Equine may present itself as a comprehensive solution, careful consideration must be given to the cost-effectiveness and practicality it affords to the average horse owner.

Below you will find a description of their most popular equine supplements.


Osteo-Max: A Supplement for Equine Bone Health 

100X Equine's Osteo-Max is a supplement designed to support and maintain optimal bone health in horses. Formulated with a blend of key ingredients, it aims to provide the necessary nutrients and support for strong and resilient bones. The product promises to aid in promoting bone density, reducing the risk of fractures, and supporting overall skeletal integrity.

While further details on the specific ingredients and their mechanisms of action are warranted, Osteo-Max is presented as a potential solution for equine bone health concerns.

The original price of their Osteo-Max is $295, but as with many marketing oriented companies, they have some kind of permanent special where you can get it for $195. This price is for a 4 month supply of their maintenance dosage.

Although the company references certain studies regarding the individual active ingredients within the product, it is crucial to emphasize that none of these studies directly support the effectiveness of the product as a whole. As a result, the only evidence of the product's purported benefits relies solely on subjective customer reviews, which may have been influenced by factors such as discounts or other marketing strategies.

Gut X

A Potential Solution for Equine Digestive Health

Gut-X is a supplement aimed at supporting and maintaining a healthy digestive system in horses. With a blend of ingredients chosen for their potential benefits to gut health, it offers a possible solution for equine digestive concerns. As with Osteo-Max, further information regarding the specific ingredients and their modes of action would be beneficial.

Just as with Osteo Max, the original stated price of Gut X is $227, but with what seems to be permanent discounts, it comes out to $113. This price is also for a 4 month supply of their "maintenance" dosage

Again, although the company references certain studies regarding the individual ingredients within the product, none of these studies directly support the effectiveness of the product itself. As a result, the only evidence of the product's purported benefits relies solely on subjective customer reviews.


Regen X Promotes Equine Recovery and Overall Well-being

With a blend of ingredients, Regen X seeks to provide the necessary nutrients and support for optimal healing and revitalization. This product promises to aid in promoting the recovery process, reducing discomfort, and supporting overall health and vitality.

Just as with their other products, the original stated price of Regen X is $279, but with what seems to be permanent discounts, it comes out to $149. This price is also for a 4 month supply of their "maintenance" dosage

Again, although the company references certain studies regarding the individual ingredients within the product, none of these studies directly support the effectiveness of the product itself. As a result, the only evidence of the product's purported benefits relies solely on subjective customer reviews.

Joint Flex Plus

Joint Flex Plus is a supplement formulated to promote optimal joint health and function in horses. This product promises to aid in reducing joint discomfort, supporting mobility, and enhancing overall joint well-being. The strange thing is, many of the other 100X Equine products also claim to help with joint issues, so its hard to differentiate what makes this specific formula special, and different than the claimed benefits of the other products.

When it comes to pricing, Joint Flex Plus follows a similar pattern as other 100X Equine products. The original stated price is $227, but frequent discounts bring it down to $113.50. This price is for a 4-month supply, intended for the "maintenance" dosage.

It is worth noting that while the company does reference certain studies related to the individual ingredients within Joint Flex Plus, it is important to highlight that none of these studies directly support the effectiveness of the product itself. As a result, the primary evidence for the product's benefits relies solely on subjective customer reviews.

Final Summary

In summary, 100X Equine provides a wide variety of horse supplements, with decent quality, at a steep price.

There are 3 main problems with this brand/company:

  • Price: There are too many products necessary for the complete care of a performance horse, and rather than combining the ingredients and creating a complete supplement, the company decided to nickel and dime their customers.
  • Product Benefits Overlap: Its hard to tell which product is going to offer the best benefit for the overlap benefits, making us question their effectiveness.
  • Discounts: While its good to be offered discounts on products, its questionable when a company offers permanent discounts and constant emails about savings (we are talking daily emails!). This tells you the company's gross margins are inflated with an overpriced product. Rather than offering questionable incentives, why not just price the product right? You be the judge...