Rose-Hip Vital Review

This brand seems to have a very good marketing strategy, but their product is just average. Read more to learn why!

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Rose-Hip Vital is a natural health supplement derived from rosehip berries, renowned for numerous benefits. Rose-Hip Vital offers a comprehensive approach to equine & dogs overall well-being. However, based on many testimonies and our experience first hand, individual experiences may differ quite a bit, and the benefits from the product are not as apparent as with other high quality performance horse supplements.

Read the review below to learn more about Rose-Hip Vital.

Rose-Hip Vital® Equine

Our team of experts recently had the opportunity to test the Rose-Hip Vital horse product. One notable aspect that caught our attention was the product's cost. When compared to other similar supplements in the market, Rose-Hip Vital appeared to be on the higher end of the price spectrum, which may pose affordability challenges for regular use.

Furthermore, while the product claims to offer joint support and overall well-being for horses, we were unable to find substantial scientific evidence supporting these assertions. It is worth noting that the lack of extensive research and concrete studies may leave some potential buyers seeking more conclusive proof of its benefits.

Upon examining the ingredients, we discovered that Rose-Hip Vital falls short in comparison to more reputable alternatives like C60 Equine. While Rose-Hip Vital does provide some benefits, it is essential to consider the cost, lack of evidence, and ingredients quality when making an informed decision, particularly when there are competing products available in the market. 

Their product makes claims of helping with the following issues:

Joint pain and joint mobility

Prevention of joint problems

Cartilage protection

Immune system support general wellbeing

Osteoarthritis / degenerative joint disease

Recovery after exercise, injury or surgery

Coat quality

Appetite stimulant

To be quite honest, we saw very little evidence of any of such claims in the 6 horses we used the product with in a period of 6 months.


The cost of the Rose-Hip Vital Equine product is about $219.95 for a month supply. This pricing is almost 2 times what competitors charge for far superior products, making it difficult for us to give it a higher rating.

In Summary

This independent review of Rose-Hip Vital's horse product highlights a few key considerations. While the product receives a 3-star rating, its higher cost compared to superior supplements and the lack of substantial scientific evidence supporting its claimed benefits are highlighted as concerns. We would highly reccomend horse owners to consider other higher rated brands that might offer a much better benefit/value with proven results like C60 Equine.